First I say welcome to my blog, which this blog will be engaged in information. And the information will be discussed is to address a wide range of information about IT as well as on Electronics.
Okay, now we go to the topic which we will discuss the "how Secure Password social networking", we know some of this time a lot of news circulating about the transfer of ownership of an account owned by someone. And this news has been troubling many people who have social networking accounts.
First I say welcome to my blog, which this blog will be engaged in information. And the information will be discussed is to address a wide range of information about IT as well as on Electronics.
Because social networking is a place or a person who is the world's container maia, which container contains the relevant data with personal data. We know that the personal data that we have there that can be seen or known by the crowd there is a secret that one should not take the example mengetahuinya.kita popular social networking today, which require personal data that is up. Facebook is very popular with many people from small children to adults though, and to be able to have a facebook account we need to fill some personal data that will be our picture, and to protect the data - the data we are required to have a login name and password confidential . Of passwords that many people who are not responsible to try to break down a variety of ways, from the most simple way is to guess up to use password breaker Softwares. This is where I have some tips to ward off the piercing sniper password, which may help your owner's personal account.
The sniper tips I have is as follows:
1. As we are accustomed to the account owner may use birth dates as passwords. You must know the use of date of birth as passwords is how to safeguard personal data that are less safe. I can recommend if you aspires to create safe and strong passwords hard to guess passwords or people we are. Ie create a password that combines letters, numbers, characters, use the CapsLock, even though space, examples (September>? 22 010 = *****************) this way your password would be very difficult in the guess by people who try to guess your password.
2. The second one I do not deny if we already have a password with a combination of letters, numbers, characters, use the CapsLock, even a space, we still can terbobol password, because these days people semangkin smart to break into your password, that is by using a password breaker software which is available free on the internet. But you do not be afraid, because I have a solution for this. My great way to avoid piercing the password through the software that is the way, before you log into social networking service provider's site, you first have to type your user name and password in notepad, WordPad or Microsoft Word, then you open your social networking sites, while the site asks the user name and password, you just need to copy the password and user name that you write in one of the media write is then you paste it into the social networking site by paste one by one according to the requested column if column password or your user name. with a password so you will not be detected by software password breaker. And data - personal data or your account will not fall into the hands of people who are not responsible.
For a discussion of Social Networking How to secure password, I as the author apologize if what you hope you do not find in the posts that I made and I also need to inform you that this way not only to social networking up alone but you can also apply in all social networking require a password. And the final word as a writer I pronounce my hopefully useful info and GOOD TRY
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